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Mission statement:
We believe time is the most precious commodity and it is also the greatest asset available to human beings. Luckily for us, it's also extremely cheap.
We believe that taking care of our planet is everybody's responsibility and minimizing waste is a crucial step towards a better tomorrow.
We believe each human being has the right to clean water, food and a well insulated shelter.
Building with light steel framing contributes to all three of these believes.
Time saving - Building with Light steel frames can cut your construction time in half compared to more traditional methods. Also, as with everything the benefits are only relevant if the process is planned correctly.
Environmentally friendly - If planned correctly there will be a lot less wasted materials in your construction process. Steel is also recyclable, therefor +- 15% of your structure can be re-used to a certain extent.
Thermal and Acoustic Insulation - High R-values are easy to attain using Light steel framing construction.
High strength to weight ratio - Light Steel has the highest strength to weight ratio compared to any other material in the world.
Non-combustible - Though steel can melt at extremely high degrees, the steel will not contribute to a fire. It is lighter, stronger and easier to handle compared to timber.
There are numerous other benefits to building with LSF. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
We have been roll-forming cold-formed steel structures since 2009 and we are extremely passionate about this method of construction.
We take full responsibility for the service we offer and we strive to do our absolute best with each project.
Our Machines at work:
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